Learning Outcome

Psychometric testing

  1. Know the importance of psychometric tests
  2. Gain an insight into Psychometric Assessment
  3. Understand the use of psychometric tests, advantages of psychometric testing
  4. Learn about the categories of Test, Common Projective Tests, Self Report or Inventory Tests
  5. Learn about the concept and types of bias in psychological testing

Analyzing Personality

  1. Understanding personality,
  2. Know about PSI A Brief History, Personality typing using Psi, How to Analyze the PSI Test
  3. Understand the Dimensions of the Typology and Different Personality Types

Ability and aptitude testing

  1. Learn about Ability Tests, Different Ability Aspects, Use sample Tests Used in

 Central tendency and Norms referencing

  1. Learn what is central tendency, Importance of central tendency
  2. Understand Norms, Norms referencing process and benefits

Module 5. Understanding TAT

  1. Understand TAT, History of the Test, Administering the Test, Scoring of the TAT Cards
  2. Know why TAT is used
  3. Learn using TAT for recruitment and counseling
  4. Learn how to create a PDP, Benefits of Development planning, PDP meeting

Administering tests

  1. Learn how to administer test, validity of psychometric tests

Giving feedback

  1. Understand why feedback is important
  2. Know how to provide feedback
  3. Understand the Purpose of Feedback

Who should apply?

Professionals who are looking to enhance their skills in core areas of Comp & Ben
Professionals with more than 5 years of work experience

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    *Sales & leadership training for corporate groups only.

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      *Sales & leadership training for corporate groups only.

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