Learning Objectives

  • Describe the value chain for soft skills.
  • Identify the 12 steps of the ROI Methodology.
  • Design soft skills to deliver impact and a positive ROI.
  • Measure soft skills results at five levels, including calculating the return on investment.

Prior to attending this boot camp, participants will review a real case study that details a coaching program for managers at a global hotel chain. The case study applies the methodology and shows how the process is completed, following the steps of business alignment, selecting the proper solution, and clearly defining objectives at all levels.

Each participant in this boot camp will receive a workbook, an application guide, an ROI model, and a soft skills case study example from ROI Institute’s newest book, The Value of Soft Skills: Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI, by Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D., Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., and Rebecca Ray, Ph.D.

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    *Sales & leadership training for corporate groups only.

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      *Sales & leadership training for corporate groups only.

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