Sales professionals today must work harder than ever to reach the final stage in pursuing a sale: the negotiation. Therefore, the urge to close can overwhelm other considerations – namely, price. In the moment, many sellers concede to pricing pressure, rather than explore the customer’s underlying needs to protect the value of the sale. To protect the value of the sale, professionals must build skills through sales and negotiation training that enable them to convert demands into needs. Demands are inflexible. Needs can be addressed in ways that protect pricing. Training sales professionals to take a consultative approach to negotiations helps them control outcomes by connecting the value of the offering to the customer’s business needs.
1-Day ILT Workshop; Two 4-hour VILT Workshops; Pre and Post Digital Learning
Sales Professionals, Sales Managers, Business Development
VILT, Instructor-led, Digital, Blended Learning
Key Elements of the Program
Consultative Negotiations Training Program Brochure
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Richardson Sales Performance’s Negotiation Sales Training Program
The Consultative Sales Negotiation training program offers specific practices that sellers can apply in a variety of negotiations, regardless of deal size or industry. The negotiation sales training program offers a framework that helps sales professionals shape their customer’s perception of value while working towards a mutually beneficial outcome. With a combination of social psychology, interactive learning, and customization, learners leave training with the tools, skills, and confidence to move a commitment to a close.
Business Benefits from Improved Negotiations
Upon completing sales negotiation skills training, your team will experience the following business benefits:
- Improved ability to justify value and protect or increase deal size
- Increased win ratio and decreased sales cycle by leading the negotiation with confidence and control
- Improved ability to protect price and avoid discounting while preserving relationships
Key Areas Of Content:
We teach sales professionals to lead and control the opening exchange of a negotiation by focusing on how to make their offer and how to handle the customer’s response. We equip them with the skills that help them to maintain control and guide the negotiation toward a mutually successful outcome. We practice and role play with them so they don’t make the wrong moves that could cause them to lose control and confidence early in the conversation.
In this program, we ensure sales professionals now how to act in a collaborative and effective manner when responding to customer demands to avoid trading too soon and to be better informed when it’s time to trade. We teach them key areas: how to convert demands to needs and how to shape perception of value. We teach them how to understand the customer’s real needs and help them see your solution as valuable so that you can assess the best way to move forward in the negotiation.
We teach sales professionals how to increase their effectiveness in negotiations in order to protect what is most important while achieving a mutually successful outcome. We teach them how to successfully trade, maximizing their outcome while also meeting the customer’s needs, building trust, and reinforcing the relationship.
Our content is grounded in behavioral science. The focus on behavioral science across our program matters because we know that buyers make decisions based on both logic and emotion, an important and often overlooked component in both buying and selling. In fact, the emotional component of buying overrides the logical one. Sales professionals familiar with behavioral science concepts improve their ability to connect with customers because they have a greater understanding of their customer’s biases and their own. This helps them to more objectively evaluate opportunities and challenges, avoid aggressive behaviors, and reach their goals.