Building Effective Teams: Themes and Objectives


  • Building a sound foundation; shared purpose; operating principles, and roles
  • Taking stock and assembling resources
  • Tackling the key challenges
  • Managing team dynamics and group conflict


  • Understand how to create the solid foundation for high performance
  • Build the skills and acquire the tools to manage the key challenges that inhibit high performance
  • Understand how to make the performance sustainable

Building Effective Teams: Module Outline

Day One Building a Sound Foundation for High Performance

Creating Purpose, Clarity, Goals and Results

Creating and using the best thinking of the group (and beyond) to create a shared purpose, a picture of success, clarity of roles, and agreed upon operating guidelines is key to transforming a group into a team.

Taking Stock and Assembling Resources

Based on the team’s shared purpose and definition of success, identify what resources the team currently has, and how to acquire those still needed. Determining what to do with those resources.

Day Two Overcoming the Key Challenges to High Performance

Collaborating and making good decisions

Preparing team leaders with the skills, techniques and tools to recognize and solve the most prevalent challenges inhibiting high performance is critical. We would deal with two of these in this session-collaboration and decision making.

Managing Team Dynamics and Group Conflict

The real skill here is knowing how to enable brisk challenge on the substance, and avoid unproductive conflict associated with personal and relational aspects of challenging conversations. We learn and practice techniques to deal with this challenge in this session.

Creating Purpose, Clarity, Goals and Results

A key role for any manager in building a high performing team is creating a solid foundation. Teams will be tested and inevitably hit some rough patches. This foundation provides the substantive and relational grounding to deal with these effectively. In this session, participants will build an understanding of the various foundational elements and how to create them in their team(s). Participants experience a variety of techniques to demonstrate core capabilities in action.  As the cap to this session, participants experiment with taking this back home.

Taking Stock and Assembling Resources

Managers also have the crucial role of ensuring their team has the resources needed to be successful.  In this session, participants explore the range of options for assembling needed resources of different kinds.  The first resource needed is capable team members, who are effective individually, and work well in a team.  Then come the resources we think of more frequently—things like time, money, equipment, etc.  Participants reflect on and employ the “build, buy, borrow, or say no” framework to identify how they can provide their teams with needed resources.

Overcoming the key challenges

Managers are typically responsible for the tone and climate on the team.  While teams are different in terms of the work they do and their personality, research and experience shows there are a few key challenges that most experience. Preparing team leaders with the skills, techniques and tools to recognize and solve these dilemmas is critical to high performance. These challenges include collaborating in a way that realizes the power of team, and  making decisions in a manner that improves quality, speed and commitment. Participants experience these challenges and practice tools and techniques real time preparing them to do with their team back home.

Managing Team Dynamics and Group Conflict

Even the best teams, and the best-intentioned people will eventually come into conflict.  The real skill here is enabling brisk challenge to the substance and ideas, while avoiding the unproductive conflict typically associated with personal and relational aspects of challenging conversations. Applying techniques to identify and address unproductive conflict in a team is practiced in this session.

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