16 Jul 2021

Personality Spotlight: The Analytis

The Omnia Assessment measures our most comfortable behaviors in 4 areas: Assertiveness, Sociability, Pace and Need for Structure. When I say most comfortable, I mean those behaviors that require the least amount of stretch, the least amount of, well, discomfort. We all like to move smoothly on our rails so to speak. That certainly doesn’t mean we can’t jump tracks or challenge ourselves to do something outside of our comfort zone. But, under most work circumstances, we are most productive when we are working on tasks that align with our natural tendencies.

If you are a highly social individual who needs to interact with people to feel engaged and energized, then working as a bookkeeper on quiet, solitary tasks all day could feel like a prison sentence. Likewise, if you love to immerse yourself in data, research or solitary mechanical tasks, then working with people all day could leave you feeling exhausted, or even a bit cranky. If you are a timid person who prefers to support team efforts, then being asked to sell or sort out conflict between team members might feel insurmountable. Nothing makes me cringe like having to ask someone if they want to buy something from me. A mentor of mine used to call these situations “job jail” which is a perfect description for being in a role that doesn’t capitalize on what you do well and requires you to do those things you hate. Of course, there are always going to be those responsibilities that aren’t our favorite things, that’s normal, but if your employee’s daily, core responsibilities go against the fiber of their natural tendencies, then they are likely to feel unmotivated and disengaged.

That’s why performance management is so important; it’s the process of creating, measuring and maintaining improved performance in employees. This includes activities like onboarding, training, coaching, mentoring, performance reviews, and even progressive disciplinary actions.

Today, as part of performance management month, we are putting a spotlight on The Analytic personality type. The Analytic typically has a balance of columns 1 and 2 on the Omnia Assessment, and tall columns 4, 5 and 8. Coincidentally, that is my personality type, which may be why I volunteered to write this particular blog.

If you manage an Analytic, then you’ve likely noticed their comfort being proactive in low-risk situations that are clearly within their area of expertise. They are not eager to take big, risky chances and that’s often because they want to do things right the first time (and avoid criticism). Turning in work that is accurate and on time is fulfilling, and the best way to do that is to follow procedures or stick to precedent. Did I mention avoiding criticism? Our defensiveness kicks into overdrive at even perceived criticism. What you might call constructive feedback, we take like a punch to the gut. Even knowing that we do this doesn’t stop it from happening, though self-awareness, professional maturity and experience help us manage it better. Because at the end of the day, we all need feedback and really, Analytics love feedback. As a manager of an Analytic, knowing these hot and cold buttons will provide you with a helpful roadmap for setting performance goals and evaluating progress.

Here are some performance management strategies for working with an Analytic… right from the source:

Onboarding and Training

Have a structured onboarding process and a clear training agenda; keep it organized but also flexible. Analytics will embrace training and look forward to various methods of learning. They enjoy variety. So, if you have any classroom-style training or video sessions, follow them up with job shadowing. Sitting with a peer and observing the job in action will go a long way. Incorporate simulations. Use activities, but nothing too “cheesy “or public facing. Analytics, especially those with a tall column 4, don’t like being put in the center of a group activity but do enjoy activities that have an element of competition.

Coaching and Mentoring

Mentoring is about fostering overall growth and involves personal involvement with the mentor and mentee; it’s usually informal, supportive and encouraging. This doesn’t have to be between a manager and direct report. When setting up a mentoring situation, it’s good to know the communication style of each party. When mentoring an Analytic, it’s helpful to be succinct and focused when speaking. And while mentoring doesn’t have to have an end goal or fixed agenda, an Analytic will still want a plan or sense of structure.

Coaching is about performance and usually involves the manager and direct report. There is a clear agenda regardless of personality type. For example, coaching for building consistency in sales numbers and improving sales techniques. This is where understanding behavioral traits is vital as the coach will know going in what the underlying inclinations are and use that information to create the best path forward for performance improvement. An Analytic in sales, for example, could show hesitancy for prospecting, but strong interest in performing research or supporting a new customer’s technical needs. This might be because the Analytic is generally nonassertive and sensitive to rejection. Understanding those inclinations will give the coach a better idea of how to increase prospecting performance.

Performance Reviews and Progressive Discipline

Using personality data will facilitate the performance review and performance improvement conversations between the manager and the Analytic. Here are some general tips: Be specific when completing any documentation or communicating verbally; use facts and evidence. Set goals that are quantifiable with a clear end date for completion. Send out an agenda for conversations in advance if possible, to give this reserved contemplator time to formulate their own ideas and questions. Break long-range plans into short-range milestones and checkpoints.

To summarize, here are some tips for managing the Analytic:

  • Use proof and facts.
  • Be specific, detailed and direct.
  • Set goals that are challenging but realistic.
  • Provide enough information that decisions can be made quickly and logically.
  • Offer an environment that is reliable and structured with the opportunity to grow.

This blog was originally published on The Omnia Group website.

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