Assessing Selling and Coaching Skills

To drive maximum impact, sales force development must be aligned with organizational business objectives, undertaken as an ongoing journey, and measured on an ongoing basis to enable the evaluation of impact and to inform any required adjustments.

To support our point of view, we have created the SkillGauge® suite of diagnostics, sales skill assessment tests, and measurement tools to evaluate baseline and ongoing critical selling and coaching skills, which will direct greater focus on developing the skills that matter most.

Richardson Sales Performance’s SkillGauge® is an online, behavioral-based coaching and sales skills assessment test administered before and after training. This tool enables participants to receive an unbiased assessment of their current selling or coaching behaviors — compared to their peers — and a benchmark of performance.

Sales Assessment Tests Offered

  • Sales Coaching Assessment Test: The 180° sales coaching skills assessment provides insight into current coaching behaviors, as well as how direct reports perceive them, identifying any hidden strengths and blind spots.
  • Individual Sales Assessment Tests: Individual assessment tests and their results provide each participant with awareness, as well as a foundation for a personal development plan prior to participating in the training.
  • Organizational Sales Assessment Test: Aggregate assessment results provide organizational insight into where salespeople and their managers are strong and where organizational developmental opportunities exist.
  • Post Training Sales Skills Assessment Tests: The post-training results provide evidence of improved sales skills/behavior change and provide clarity and focus on priorities for continued development.

Assess selling skills, benchmark, and measure seller performance improvement with SkillGauge®

Administration & Reporting

The SkillGauge® coaching and sales skills assessment test is administered approximately one month prior to a sales training session and again six to nine months after training. Sales assessments are administered in a “self-rater” format, while coaching assessments are administered both to the participant and to their direct reports.

Individuals receive their confidential reports that include detailed and actionable feedback prior to the training session; the organizations, as well as the Richardson Sales Performance facilitator, receive an aggregate assessment report to provide insight into the overall strengths and opportunities of the team.

Data can be reported in many ways — for instance, by group, region, manager, etc., using our custom reporting capability.

Once you provide the e-mail contact information of your participants, Richardson Sales Performance seamlessly manages the administration of the sales skill assessments and the provision of reports to everyone, as well as alerts and updates to you regarding the group’s completion of the diagnostic.

How Sales Assessments Drive Behavior Change

SkillGauge® sales assessments are fully integrated into the Richardson Sales Performance solution and are built around the content and skills taught in our development solutions.

They provide increased self-awareness, leading to a deeper level of buy-in and engagement in the workshop. We recommend using SkillGauge® assessment results as a foundation for individual development plans and ongoing coaching.

The SkillGauge® sales performance measurement tool provides you with an objective means of assessing the aggregate skill level of your sales team — initially and over time.

This assessment provides you with a means to evaluate behavioral impact (Kirkpatrick Level 3), adjust your intervention, and inform organization-wide ongoing/future sales development needs.

Learn more in the eBook: A Guide to Measuring Sales Training Effectiveness.

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    *Sales & leadership training for corporate groups only.